About the SMART Model

Black and White Cairn Meditation

What exactly would I learn in the SMART Class?

The SMART model, developed by experts in the biology of stress and relaxation, covers a range of practical knowledge and skills including the biology of your stress response, how to elicit the important relaxation response, concrete practice in different breathing and meditation skills, visualization, how to change your thinking to create a more adaptive, healthy response to stress, and all the latest information and resources on adaptive problem solving, sleep, eating and exercise.

This eight week class provides a supportive, friendly environment in which to learn and explore new skills that are proven to reduce stress. Classes are two hours each and are a combination of didactic and experiential learning, as well as using the class format for discussion and support. Rather than learning one skill, such as yoga, the class provides an overview about all the things you can do to reduce health risk due to stress and creates a wonderful momentum to move toward health.

Individual Man Reflecting

One to one consultations

There are so many books, videos, social media feeds and information on stress strategies it’s hard to know where to begin. If you’d like to start with a brief consultation with Certified Instructor Siobhan Masterson to discuss the class further and find out how it can help you and enhance what you’re already doing, give a call or send an email.

Individual strong woman holding hands as if in prayer in yoga stance

Join a SMART class today via Zoom or in person in Stamford, CT

Classes are starting in April on Zoom or in person in Stamford, CT. You can choose either option -

Email MastersonWellness@gmail.com for more information or book a class today.

Group of people talking at work table

SMART classes for non-profits and corporate teams

If you’re interested in corporate or organizational wellness, SMART might be a perfect use of annual wellness dollars. Insurance wellness dollars can be used for this course with no direct cost to your non-profit organization.